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Book of Matches is the passion project of two lovers of Story. In an age dominated by our worst tendencies for tribalism, it is more important than ever to celebrate the best in humanity through the very real magic of words. Book of Matches is always interested in protest—interested in protest against the unknowing alive in human existence, in protest against the knowing, too. In essence, Book of Matches both celebrates what burns against the dark, and the assurance of how little it illuminates before going out. Send us your most meaningful lies, your real lives, and the poetry of both that we may see a bit more clearly the stormy seas around us all.


Book of Matches publishes three issues per year.


Book of Matches nominates for Best Of The Net and for The Pushcart Prize. While Book of Matches will begin online it hopes to transition to having both an online and print journal in the near future. We publish Poetry, Short Fiction (≤ 2,100 words), and short creative non-fiction (≤ 2,100 words). At this time submissions are to be sent to our email address at


Please refer to the submissions page for full guidelines.

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© 2022 Book of Matches A Literary Journal

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